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MaxGaming Community

Many servers across the world

We offer dedicated CS2 servers in multiple locations worldwide, ensuring low-latency gameplay and a seamless experience no matter where you or your players are located.
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CS2 Servers Available Features

Our free dedicated CS2 servers offer extensive customization options, designed to provide you with maximum control while keeping the setup process simple and hassle-free.

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Admin ManagerVIP ManagerRank ManagerWebsite Admin

RCON PanelRestart/StopDiscord LogsWorkshop Manager

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Advertise ManagerRank ManagerBan ManagerServer Configs
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Store Conditions

Max Gaming, as a trusted and secure intermediary between sellers and buyers, creates a reliable connection through its automated review system and professional support. Here, as a seller, you can easily showcase your items to thousands of players. Buyers, on the other hand, can view sellers’ items at competitive prices, and with Max Gaming's credibility, items are transferred smoothly and hassle-free between the two parties.